Meet Alyse

Hey! My name is Alyse or you can call me Lessey. I’m a screenwriter, photographer, videographer, graphic designer, and now… now you can also call me blogger.

I’m from the south suburbs of Chicago and made my move back here in 2022. For four years I lived in Washington D.C, where I attended THEE Howard University. Ohhh to be a bison! What a ride. 2018 to 2022 were years full of constant change and transition. And yes, I do feel some of my glory days of college were stolen from me because of COVID-19. I left Howard’s campus as a sophomore in the spring semester of 2020 and did not return until I was a senior in the fall semester of 2021. But hey, I have my health and I graduated with my BA in TV & Film and a minor in Graphic Design, with honors, sooo Thank GOD for that! 

Ever since then, life has been everything but what I thought it would be. I just knew that I would be relocated into my own apartment, working my way up in my field by now. L O L. If I knew then, what I know now. Instead it has been a multitude of applications, some interviews, lots of hopes being built up (and let down), and no apartment of my own … yet! 

Look at me… young, full of life and without my tassel because I FORGOT it. LOL

I was still cute though, so not too much on me!

The transition into adulthood has been nothing less than challenging. A lot of the time when I need an outlet, I look to entertain and distract myself from the noise. So, I go watch a series or a movie. And if I’m not doing that, I’m writing a series or a movie. And if I’m not doing THAT, I’m telling someone about a series or a movie that I’ve either seen, want to see, or I’m writing. It’s one of my favorite ways to cope and find joy within a day, even when I’m not having the best one. Besides, who doesn’t love watching and discussing a good plot twist? I knowwww I’m not the only one!

That’s why I decided to start Let’s Get to the Good Part. Because although this journey can feel pretty lonely, I know I’m not alone in it. There are thousands of people right now, just trying to figure it out. Trying to keep it together. And trying to find the good in every day. So here we are, about to take this journey together. Embracing all that life has to offer. Feeling what we need to feel and doing what we need to do. No matter what that looks or feels like to you. Through Let’s Get to the Good Part, I’ll share my life as transparently as I can with the hope that we both may grow and embrace every season of our lives. Every great script has a great plot, and reality is no different. It may be difficult sometimes, but hard times don’t last, and in the end it’ll make for a great story one day! So here we go, Let’s Get to the Good Part. 


Oh… we’re also going to turn on the tv and discuss what we see here too. I’m not sure if you got that vibe yet, but that’s definitely what it’s giving… so, yea.


Talk soon! – Alyse

Michelle Obama once said...

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

Random Facts About Me

Favorite Color?
Favorite movie?
Colombiana... it is a work of art and I know all of the words.
Dream Vacation?
ITALY! I am going to italy one day!
Favorite show of all time?
If I'm being honest, The Game had me in a choke hold for a very long time.
Favorite Food?
Nachos... and they have to be supreme.
If you could be friends with one fictional character, who would it be?
Wednesday Addams ... I feel her.